Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Having the Same Statement of Faith

"and the Son" - phrase added to the Nicene Creed

“Known as the ‘filioque’ clause from the Latin meaning ‘and the Son’, these words were never added by an Ecumenical council. They were originally introduced in the West in the late sixth century by theologians to strengthen the Creed’s proclamation of the divinity of the Son, and only centuries later was it ordered to be inserted in the Creed by the Emperor Charlemagne, and spread around the Western Church, including medieval England where it passed into the heritage of the Church of England and the Anglican Communion.”

The Orthodox Churches do not use the phrase "and the son" in the creed.

Anglicans (Episcopalians) have been encouraged to drop that clause from our creed.  Learn more here:,-but-god-calls-us-to-reconciliation.aspx

the Episcopal Church is on record that it will remove the clause in the next Book of Common Prayer:

And to learn more about the dialogue:

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