Friday, October 2, 2015

A Prayer for the Umpqua Community College in Oregon

Almighty God, giver of light and life, in whose hands are both the living and the dead: We offer to you our continued sorrow in the face of the cruel deaths and injuries at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon. As you were present in the midst of the gunfire and chaos, so we trust you are present now with those who have died. May they rest in peace and live in your perpetual love. In your boundless compassion, console all who mourn, especially parents and family members, & all those who still suffer from this tragedy. Give to us who carry on such a lively sense of your righteous will that we will not rest until our country is safe for all your people. All this we pray in sighs too deep for words and in the name of the lover and protector of our souls, Jesus Christ. Amen.  (adapted from a prayer by the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine)

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