Thursday, June 25, 2015

General Convention has begun - A Litany for General Convention

Let us keep the Church in our prayers as our convention has begun.
A Litany for General Convention (from the ECCT)
Deacon or Presider:
Let us offer our prayers for all those who take council for the renewal of our church and all those gathered at the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, by saying God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.

Watch over all those who travel to and from Salt Lake City over the course of the 78th General Convention. Enfold them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to the end of the journey. God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.
Enliven all the deputies of General Convention, especially the deputies from Connecticut. Guide them to perceive what is right, and grant them both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it. God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.

Send forth your Holy Spirit to all bishops as they discern our next Presiding Bishop. We pray for all the candidates for Presiding Bishop: for Thomas, Michael, Ian, and Dabney; and for all their families and dioceses. We pray our new Presiding Bishop will empower us to live fully into where God is calling us to serve. God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.
Refresh your church for this changing world, for things that have grown old are becoming new. We pray that The Episcopal Church will possess the courage to write new chapters in our unfolding story, and to be transformed by your Spirit as we put our trust in your promised hope. God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.

Forgive the sins and failures of our past, and reveal new possibilities for our future. We pray that we will be able to discern what we must let go of and what we need to hold onto in our common life in order to follow Jesus more clearly. God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.
Direct all those who are involved with the 78th General Convention so that their actions will support the least, the last and the outsiders. We pray the resolutions of the 78th General Convention are full of compassion and love, and allow us to join God’s mission in the world. God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.

Give rest to all your faithful people who have served your church in ages past and who now dwell with you. We pray we may look to their faith to proclaim the Gospel and trust in your promises. God of grace and God of glory, grant us courage, grant us wisdom.

Deacon or Presider: 

Eternal God, in your Son Jesus Christ you redeemed all of human history and called us to proclaim the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection to the ends of the earth and to the end of the age: pour out your Spirit afresh upon The Episcopal Church and our 78th General Convention, help us to rejoice in our past and give us courage to trust your power to shape our future, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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