Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Commissioning for Service in Mission

After the time of the Prayers of the People the presiding minister says these similar words.
Dear friends,
in the mission of Jesus Christ
we are constantly brought together and sent out.
We are gathered by God’s word and sacraments,
and we are sent out to do God’s work of healing, justice, and peace.
Today that rhythm unfolds in our midst:
Lauren Johnson has been called to work in Brazil with Overland Missions later this June.
We are one body with one mission, united in both call and prayer.
Let us now offer prayers for Lauren and all those whose who will share in that mission.

We thank you, gracious God,
for enriching us with the gifts of your Spirit.
Grant that as we send forth
Lauren in your name,
so she may return to us
with a new sense of your presence
in the lives of others;
through Christ our Lord.

May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you, that in this, and in all things, you may do God's will in the service of the kingdom of his Christ. Amen.

In the name of this congregation I commend you to this work, and pledge you our prayers, encouragement, and support. Accept this “Service Cross” designed for missionaries and those serving in our armed forces to know that Christ is with you in all that you do to the ends of the earth.

Let us pray.

We bless you, O God, and we praise your name,
you anointed your own Son with the Holy Spirit
to preach good news to the poor,
to heal the broken-hearted,
and to comfort the sorrowful.
Look kindly on your servant Lauren whom we send forth as
a messenger of salvation and peace.
Guide her steps, and with the power of your grace
Strengthen her in spirit.
Make her words the echo of Christ’s voice,
so those who hear her may be drawn to his Gospel.
Through her may your Holy Spirit touch the hearts of all she meets.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the same Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

(service adapted from the Episcopal Church & Anglican Church of Canada)

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