Monday, April 22, 2019

Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Easter – Go!

READ Luke 24:1-12

Easter! What an amazing moment it must have been to be one of the women who went down to the
tomb that first Easter morning. They came expecting death and sorrow. Their messiah and friend had
been killed, and now the best they could hope for was to give him a proper burial. Instead, they find an empty tomb, two angelic figures proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection, and an invitation to new life. Their expectations were blown away.

This encounter with Jesus changed them so much that they were compelled to GO back to their fellow followers and proclaim the good news. Their testimony would eventually spread to every corner -of the earth so that wherever we go, the love of God will meet us there.

In this journey, you have been called to engage with the mystery of death and resurrection as mirrored in the Easter Vigil. We have been called from darkness into light. From fear into joy. From sin into restoration. From death into life. Our job now is to follow the examples of those women and go into the world proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus. Let this be the season that you go and live the full gift of the resurrection.

REFLECT: Easter is not just one day. It is a season of 50 days, significantly longer than the 40 days in Lent. Our Church’s calendar is designed this way to help us remember that we are called to GO and live a life that is centered more on resurrection joy than on fear.

During this Eastertide, find ways to live into the Way of Love you have walked this Lent.

The end of our Lent journey is only the beginning, as we take all the transformation we have experienced and imagined and use it to join God in healing and reconciling the world. How will you GO and tell the story of the empty tomb out loud? How have you been changed and how might you change others?

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