Saturday, May 13, 2017

Jesus as the Way (Violence & Girard)

I found this helpful as we consider the message of Jesus in light of the violence around us and the work of Rene Girard...

from the Abbot of St. Gregory's Abbey:
Jesus’ famous words in John: “I am the way and the truth and the life” (Jn. 14: 6) have inspired many Christians, including me, but they tend to cause some consternation in an age where many seek to be inclusive and affirming of diversity. Now that René Girard has greatly increased our awareness of mimetic rivalry, the worry grows that we might understand a verse such as this as meaning “my god is better than your god.” Such a reading projects our own rivalry onto Jesus so as to make Jesus a rival against other “gods.” Which is to turn Jesus into an idol of our own making.
Read his whole article here:

read more on Violence & Girard here: 

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