Take a pledge to make more humane food choices for the month of October.
Endorsements for this campaign:
The Right Reverend John Bryson Chane, Episcopal Bishop of Washington
Our faithful stewardship of creation includes being mindful of the animals entrusted to our care. The principles that underlie the All Creatures Great and Small campaign are consistent with the religious spirit that compels us to show them our mercy and regard. More humane and sustainable dietary choices can be a powerful testimony of our faith and service to the Lord, especially in a time when the whole of creation depends so heavily upon our goodwill.
The Very Reverend Samuel T. Lloyd III, Dean, Washington National Cathedral
At the center of the Christian faith is a belief that the whole of God’s creation deserve reverence and respect. Washington National Cathedral is honored to support the All Creatures Great and Small campaign as an expression of our commitment to be stewards of the earth and its inhabitants. We believe improving farm animal welfare is part of a broader moral imperative to honor all living creatures and we look forward to hosting the kick-off of the campaign at the Cathedral.
The 74th General Convention of the Episcopal Church approved a resolution which "encourages its members to ensure that husbandry methods for captive and domestic animals would prohibit suffering in such conditions as puppy mills, and factory farms… [and committed to] educating its members to adhere to ethical standards in the care and treatment of animals [and]… advocating for legislation protecting animals…" (General Convention 2003 – D016. Support Ethical Care of Animals)“Animals, as part of God’s creation, have rights which must be respected. It behooves us always to be sensitive to their needs and to the reality of their pain.”
-Dr. Donald Coggan, former Archbishop of Canterbury
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