Sunday, August 4, 2019

A Litany in the Wake Of Gun Violence

O God of Life and Love, you created all people as one family and called us to live together in harmony and peace; surround us with your love as we face the challenges and tragedies of gun violence.

Silence is kept briefly.

For those we love, for our neighbors, for strangers and aliens, and for those known to you alone:
Loving God,
Make us instruments of your peace.

O God of Righteousness, you have given our civic leaders power and responsibility to protect us
and to uphold our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Silence is kept briefly.

For all who bear such responsibility; for all who struggle to discern what is right in the face of powerful political forces: Loving God,
Make us instruments of your peace.

O God of Compassion, we thank you for first responders: for police officers, firefighters, and EMTs;
for all those whose duties bring them to the streets, the lobbies, the malls, the homes, and all places suffering the daily ravages of gun violence; give them courage and sound judgment in the heat of the moment, and grant them compassion for the victims.

Silence is kept briefly.

For our brothers and sisters who risk their lives and their serenity as they rush to our aid: Loving God,
Make us instruments of your peace.

O God of Mercy, bind the wounds of all who suffer from gun violence, of those who are maimed and disfigured, of those left alone and grieving, and of those who struggle to get through one more day;
bless them with your presence and help them find hope.

Silence is kept briefly.

For all whose lives are forever marked by the scourge of gun violence: Loving God,
Make us instruments of your peace.

O God of Remembrance, may we not forget those who have died in the gun violence that we have allowed to become routine; receive them into your heart and comfort us with your promise of eternal love and care.

Silence is kept briefly.

For all who have died, for those who die today, and for those who will die tomorrow: Loving God,
Make us instruments of your peace.

O God of Justice, help us your people to find our voice; empower us to change this broken world
and to protest the needless deaths caused by gun violence; give us the power to rise above our fear of futility, and grant us the conviction to serves as advocates for change.

Silence is kept briefly.

For your vision of love and harmony: Loving God,
Make us instruments of your peace.

Eternal God, in whose perfect reign no weapon is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: Guide us with your cloud by day and your fire by night, and grant us wisdom and courage for the facing of this hour. All this we ask for the sake of your love. Amen.

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

— Freely adapted from a litany by Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Diocese of Maine (February, 2018)

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