The current refugee crisis has women and their children trading an unsafe home for unknown waters.
With almost nothing but a life vest, they arrive in an unfamiliar world in search of a new life.
Women refugees have come together with Thistle Farms to start the first social enterprise in Ritsona, Greece. Women are weaving welcome mats that include the fabric from life vests worn by refugees on their journey to Greece. Thistle Farms has partnered with I AM YOU to help women gain economic freedom.
The Welcome Project is committed to helping women find their path forward. Your purchase is our opportunity to offer them safe harbor and help navigate their new life. Thank you for joining us in believing that love is the greatest force for change in the world.
[Our welcome mat purchase is hanging on our altar.]

Collect for Refugees
God our Creator: We ask for your loving presence and for your peace to be with refugees in our local communities and around the world. Be with all who live in fear. Be with those whose lives and livelihoods are under threat, and whose religious freedoms are being compromised. Be with us as we strive to enact your will in our welcome and support of refugees. Give us strength and courage to be witnesses to your love. Guide us to be advocates and servants, ministers of welcome and bearers of hope, especially for those seeking refuge. In your Holy name we pray. Amen.
(This Prayer for Refugees was shared by the Refugee Community Center at the Episcopal Church of the Mediator (Allentown), Diocese of Bethlehem, slightly adapted)
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