Saturday, June 23, 2018

An Octave of Prayer for General Convention

From Acts8 Moment:
The Acts 8 Movement invites every member of the Episcopal Church to join us in an Octave of Prayer for General Convention.  For eight days, beginning Sunday, June 24, 2018 through the start of General Convention, we offer a suggestion for a specific prayer intention, as well as a collect you might use.  We hope you will pray at various times of the day, but especially at 5:08 pm. (The number 5 is for the 5th book of the New Testament, the Book of Acts, and 8 is for the 8th chapter.)

June 24, 2018 – Pray for all bishops and deputies

O God, the fountain of wisdom, whose will is good and gracious, and whose law is truth: We beseech you so to guide and bless our deputies N. and N., our bishop(s) N. [and N.], and all deputies and bishops, that they may make wise decisions and enact faithful resolutions that please you, to the glory of your Name and the welfare of this Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

June 25, 2018 – Pray for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President Gay Jennings

Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in the 79th General Convention for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it. We pray especially for the leadership of Michael, the Presiding Bishop, and Gay, the President of the House of Deputies, that they may exercise the ministry of leadership wisely and faithfully; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

June 26, 2018 – Pray for the Episcopal Church Center Staff

Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful people is governed and sanctified: Receive our supplications and prayers which we offer before you for all members of your holy Church, and especially for the officers and staff of the Episcopal Church Center, who serve our church faithfully, that in their vocation and ministry they may truly and devoutly serve you; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

June 27, 2018 – Pray for all those in Austin who will offer hospitality

Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son came not to be served but to serve: bless all who, following in his steps, give themselves to the service of others; that with wisdom, patience, and courage, they may minister in his name to the suffering, the friendless, and the needy; for the love of him who laid down his life for us, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

June 28, 2018 – Pray for evangelism

Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him, that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

June 29, 2018 – Pray for racial justice and reconciliation

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

June 30, 2018 – Pray for God’s creation

O merciful Creator, your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature: Make us always thankful for your loving providence; and grant that we, remembering the account that we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of your good gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

July 1, 2018 – Pray for the mission of the church

O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Pray for Convention!

Almighty God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in Austin, TX for the renewal and mission of the Episcopal Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to
pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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