Thursday, April 23, 2015

Persecution of Christians

We remember and pray for Christians around the world who are persecuted (and killed) because of their faith in Jesus.  We pray for their tormentors, persecutors and murderers that their hearts may be turned from such hate to love.

We remember and pray for the Two Kidnapped Syrian Archbishops:


O Jesus, King of the poor, shield this night those who are imprisoned without charge, those who have ‘disappeared.’ Cast a halo of your presence around those who groan in sorrow or pain.

Protect those whose livelihoods are threatened. Encourage those forbidden to worship. Encompass your little ones gone hungry to sleep, cold, and fitfully waking. Guide your witnesses for peace. Safeguard your workers for justice.

Encircle us with your power, compass us with your grace, embrace your dying ones, support your weary ones, calm your frightened ones —

And as the sun scatters the mist on the hills, bring us to a new dawn, when all shall freely sit at table in your kingdom, rejoicing in a God who saves them. Amen
(written by Kate McIlhagga)

Uphold, O God, all those who are persecuted or imprisoned for their beliefs. Be to them a light showing the way ahead; a rock giving them strength to stand; a song singing of all things overcome. Amen.  (written by Richard Harries)

and this 

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