Thursday, March 10, 2011

International Women's Day: A Prayer

I know I missed International Women's Day by two days, but here is a prayer for all women:

Loving Creator God,
you made all things,
your Spirit energizes all things.

We believe you made all human beings in your image.
Bless, we pray you, all the women in your world, that they may come to know they, too, are human beings made in your image.

Help them to understand that your love and compassion, your message of justice and inclusiveness, and your affirmation in the Gospel of Jesus, is for them, too.

Give them the courage and strength to withstand the discrimination and insults that come their way, the fear and hatred that has led your church into the sin of sexism.

We pray that all faith communities, but most especially your church, will use the gifts that women have to offer, listen to women's stories and affirm women's experience, that all people may be enriched on their journey with you.

We ask this in remembrance of your child Jesus, and in the sustaining power of your Spirit, Amen.

Written by Lillalou Hughes from London, England

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