You can read about the peaceful protests by the Buddhist monks here.
It reminds me that we at St. Peter's have supported an organization called KERF, an organization based out of East Lyme, CT:
The purpose of the (KERF) Karen Emergency Relief Fund Inc. is to provide humanitarian assistance, including food, shelter, medical and health supplies, and to provide educational and self-help projects for the Karen people.
The Relief Fund recognizes that the Karens are an indigenous, ethnic minority group of about 11 million people who have lived in the mountainous region along the border of Burma and Thailand for many centuries. Due to the ongoing strife in Burma, it is estimated that there are more than 300,000 displaced Karens who have fled into the jungle and are living in huts and makeshift camps in the border area. Those who have escaped into Thailand have not been given official refugee status, consequently they receive no direct assistance from the United Nations or from the Red Cross.
Find out more by visiting their website:

The Karen Emergency Relief Fund, Inc. may be found on Guide Star, the national philanthropic data base, and on Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation, the “where to give” page,
Find out more by visiting their website:
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