Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What should we do with our statues?


I have been thinking about that question as some statues (monuments) have been torn down, others protected, and some have been removed by the local authorities.

Some of these monuments may be easy for us to say they should not be there (like the Confederate Monuments) others we might disagree with, and others we may want to stay put. Here are some articles for your consideration:

What to do with Confederate imagery at Washington National Cathedral?

You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument

How I Learned About the “Cult of the Lost Cause”

Should America Take Down Monuments That Romanticize Conquistadors?

This article looks at  it all:


But this reckoning shouldn't just be done by others, it must be done by the church too. The photo at the top of this post was a gift from the Church of England, it sits in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, but there is more to learn...


Others see it differently...


The difficulty is whom it honors:


What should we do with that Cross?

Here the Church of England is already thinking about those questions...


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