Faithful God, you chose Mary, full of grace, to be the mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Now fill us with your grace, that with her, we may understand your ways, rejoice in your salvation, and embrace your will; through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Refrain Lullay, mine Liking, my dear Son, mine Sweeting,
Lullay, my dear heart, mine own dear darling.
I saw a fair maiden, sitting and sing,
She lulled a little child a sweet lording:
That very lord is He that made all things
Of all lords He is Lord (and) King of all king.
There was mickle (much) melody at that Child's birth,
All that were in heaven's bliss, they made mickle (much) mirth.
Angels bright they sang that night and saiden to that Child,
"Blessed be Thou, and so be she that is both meek and mild."
Pray we now to that Child, and to His mother dear,
Grant them His blessing that now maken cheer.
I love this lullaby. It is such a soothing tale, I can see Mary giving a lullaby (Lullay, my dear heart, mine own dear darling) . So let us ponder how we welcome the holy family. In his book Once Upon a Time in Africa, Father Joseph Healey recounts a true story of a young couple expecting their first child.
Late on December 24, the young mother-to-be sensed something was wrong. The couple was alone: all their neighbors were away or busy with preparing for the great Christmas feast; some were involved in campaigning for the general election that was just a few weeks away. The couple went to the nearest maternity hospital, but there was no one to attend to her because the doctors and nurses were on strike and the watchman wanted a bribe before he would let them in.
On the way home, they met a homeless family who were living on the streets. They immediately recognized what was wrong and made a comfortable place for the expectant mother to lie down. Then they helped with her delivery. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy whom they named Samuel. Street children gave the newborn baby simple gifts, including their only toys: glue and a ripped ball. The couple made their way home, deeply grateful for the help offered by this homeless family. Could Mary and Joseph and the Child Jesus have been better cared for?
Remember this story today as you enjoy this wonderful holy day - and keep in mind that those you welcome, those you share the holiday with, are Christ, and that the love of God is in your midst.
Welcome them as you would welcome the Holy Family; offer them not only the hospitality of your table and hearth but welcome them with the compassion and peace of the heart that makes the simplest gift and fare celebrations of the love of God in our midst.
And may all you do be a lullaby, a caring for the Christ child in your midst for the stable is our heart. Amen.
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