Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Red Doors

As some have noticed, we have painted all of our doors red (like most Episcopal Churches).  Why red?
"The red door tradition goes back to the beginnings of cathedral architecture in the Middle Ages. The color red, signifying the Blood of Christ, was painted on the north, south and east doors of a church. Such symbolism represented making the sign of the cross — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thus the edifice was marked as a sanctuary, identified as a refuge and safety zone from physical or spiritual dangers. The red doors shut out evil. Supposedly an enemy could not pursue his victim across the sacred threshold. The red doors speak to the world of holy ground that exists inside those doors, space that has been purged and made clean by the Holy Spirit.

The red-door tradition continues even today in our Episcopal Church (and other churches) although its interpretation may have changed. Now the color red shines forth with the warmth of welcome. Now the color red gleams like fire, showing the light and presence of the Holy Spirit for all who enter into our parish."
Our doors are red to welcome everyone to a place of peace, refuge, sanctuary and salvation.

All are welcome at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church!

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