Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Eucharist and Exclusion

There are news reports from time to time about celebrations of the Eucharist (or the mass) when people are specifically excluded from taking communion...

Mother of autistic boy in Minnesota pleads not guilty to violating church restraining order

Priest Snubs Lawyer over Obama Endorsement
or For an 'Obamacon,' Communion Denied

Wyo. church denies lesbian couple Communion

Girl with digestive disease denied Communion

Church denies Communion to autistic boy

Giuliani breaks rules by having Communion at papal mass

Sadly, sharing in the Eucharist and breaking bread together in Jesus' name has become too ruled by law and not by the Spirit.

As we live into the spirit of Anglicanism here at St. Peter's, I think of words written about Elizabeth I who in so many ways helped shape our understanding of the faith that we have inherited as Episcopalians (Anglicans).

It is according to Sir Francis Bacon that Elizabeth believed that what people do is what matters, our saying common prayers together and not our assumptions about other's opinions or beliefs. Bacon sets out this view of Elizabeth: "Her Majesty, not liking to make windows into men's hearts and secret thoughts..."

In her own words about taking communion:

'Twas God the Word that spake it,
He took the bread and break it;
And what the word did make it;
That I believe and take it.

May we with humble hearts take communion together in the name of Jesus, with nothing to separate us from that sacred meal.


liturgy said...

I have been here before.
And always appreciate what I read.
I hope you'll visit "Liturgy"
and place a link
and let me know so I acknowledge that and link back.
Appreciate reading someone on similar wavelength!

Rev. Kurt Huber said...

Thanks for visiting!

Having a very active Kiwi in my congregation, I appreciate what new Zealand brings to our Anglican Communion.

Blessings to you!