Sunday, November 11, 2007

Peace Pole

Peace poles are four or six-sided obelisk shaped poles decorated with the message and prayer for peace - “May Peace Prevail On Earth.” The planting of peace poles is an expression of our love for all of God’s children and wish for global peace and harmony. Through the active support of individuals and organizations the world over, peace poles are continuously being planted as an international symbol of peace. There are more than 250,000 Peace Poles in 180 countries all over the world dedicated as monuments to peace. They serve as constant reminders for us to work for and pray for peace.

On this day, November 11, 2007, as we again remember the veterans who nobly fought of old to win peace in our world and for those who continue to fight for peace in our world today, we ask for God’s blessing upon and dedicate this Peace Pole at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Monroe, CT, in loving memory of Jay Sheppard.

Let us pray.

God of all goodness, you have been our refuge from generation to generation. Your will is that peace should shine on all people everywhere. With your spirit, guide the efforts of humankind to bring peace and justice to the nations of the earth, and give strength to rulers and all who work to establish peace and justice in the world.

Inspire those who come together in search of ways to bring about peace, and through your word, change the hearts of all people so that we shall strive for: Peace and not war, the Common good, rather than individual wellbeing, your Justice, instead of our own glory.

You have given us your peace. Enable us to share that peace with those around us, so that love and harmony may be always present in our lives, that all the world may know happiness, that we may live with dignity as brothers and sisters, and that all may rejoice in your presence. May this peace pole be a reminder to us as we call upon your infinite grace, humbly asking you to receive our prayer and make us instruments of your peace. Amen.


Anonymous said...

I just love the peace pole. Where is the nearest one to Monroe? How about a article in the CT Post and monroe courier? I couldn't believe that there are 250,000 !! Having the dedication on veterans day was a good choice.

Rev. Kurt Huber said...

I have found Peace Poles in...

Bridgeport, CT
Canton, CT
Southbury, CT

and supposedly there is another one in Monroe...