Report on Annual Convention 2013 St. John's Episcopal Church in Stamford hosts Taize Evening Prayer About 300 people donned their glow sticks following the end of business on Friday and processed along the sidewalks from the Marriott to St. John's Church for a contemplative service with music from the Taize community. The church was filled with candles and during a time of silence, people visited four different "stations" in the church to offer prayers.
We now have a Diocesan Hymn!
"Called from Their Labors to Learn Jesus' Way" was the text written by the Rev. Carl P. Daw, Jr. in response to the hymn competition held here this past summer, organized by the Diocesan Liturgy & Music Commission. The hymn tune is Slane. The Annual Convention members opened their annual business session by singing this hymn (30-second video
here) and recognizing Carl Daw. Download a copy of the hymn, review the copyright guidelines, learn more about Carl Daw
on this page. All resolutions passed; some amended
1 - Clergy salaries. Sets minimum standards for clergy cash salary, other compensation, and paid time off with directives for paying travel expenses and encouragement for merit pay. Passed as amended to set minimum paid time off for PT clergy the same as for FT clergy.
2 - Budget of Convention. Sets 2014 budget. Passed.
3 - Church structure and collaboration. Sets up a task force to develop a process of parish collaboration, to report back to the 230th Annual Convention. Passed as amended to include the Canon for Mission Leadership among those to work with the task force.
4 - Diocesan Canons. Adopts amended and restated canons. Passed as amended.
5 - Diocesan Constitution. First reading of amended and restated constitution. Passed as amended. Requires 2/3 approval at two successive Conventions to take effect.
6 - Constitution for the Missionary Society. Begins process of establishing a renewed identity for the Missionary Society, now an integrated component of the Executive Council. Passed as amended.
7 - Develop Baptismal Covenant Language that reflects unity with Creation. Creates a working group to draft liturgical language for study and use, per a described timetable, and to report to the 230th Annual Convention. Passed as amended to study only and not use, and to eliminate the timetable.
Election results announced
Provincial Synod
Lay : Sylvia Ho
Clerical: Sandra Stayner
Standing Committee
Lay: Edward Seibert
Clerical: Sandra Cosman
General Convention 2015 Deputation
Lay Deputies:
Lynn Brooks, Rachel Downs, Marie Alford-Harkey, Ted Mollegen
Lay Alternates:
Thom Peters, Liza Anderson, Donald Burr, Shirley Wick
Clerical Deputies:
Molly James, Linda Spiers, Matthew Calkins, Ellen Tillotson
Clerical Alternates:
Paul Carling, Alex Dyer, Kris Lewis, Peter Walsh
Bishop: The way of Jesus is the way of change
Bishop Douglas' Annual Convention address put the recent, continuing, and upcoming changes in the Diocese in the context of the Way of Jesus.
Full text PDF Video link

Bishop Douglas' Convention Address 2013
Pastor Kathie Adams-Shepherd addresses Convention The Rev. Kathie Adams-Shepherd, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Newtown, offered brief remarks of thanks for the prayers and gifts her parish and community has received. She offered encouragement for the journey ahead, challenging violence. "God's mission alive in us is what will change our culture of violence to the culture of peace so longed for," she said.
Link here to full text (PDF). Convention hears a spirited sermonBishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, above, gave a spirited, powerful sermon that captured the attention and imagination of his listeners. You may find yourself wanting to hear more of his sermons!
Link here to another one (on YouTube) from last summer, given during the 2012 General Convention. (Bonus in that one: We get to see CT's Deputy Liza Anderson in the background, seated off to the side of Bishop Curry)

Bishop Michael Curry's Convention Sermon
CRUX is here! 2013 issue of diocesan magazine available in print and online
The 2013 issue of the diocesan magazine was delivered to the Marriott on Friday, Oct. 25. Copies were set out for delegates and visitors. Each church was asked to pick up a carton (or more, depending on size) to bring back home. The distribution method was needed to help the magazine stay within its budget.
Online newsletter editors are encouraged to promote CRUX, as well. You can include the cover image, above, with a link
to the online version.
Plans announced for new diocesan offices
As announced in Bishop Douglas' Convention Address, the gracious mansion at 1335 Asylum Ave, used as diocesan offices since the 1950s, has been sold. (A relocation resolution was passed two years ago.) Lawyers are assisting with details to allow the diocese to lease a portion of the third floor of a former ball-bearing factory on Pratt Street in Meriden. Plenty of free parking, close to highways, accessible, and at the geographic center of CT's population. Two lay Episcopalians are helping with relocation efforts, Peter Holland and Duo Dickinson. There's no specific date set for the move yet other than a plan to be sure it's accomplished before the end of the first quarter of 2014.
Community gathers on social media
Clergy (including our diocesan bishop) and laity kept the online community updated on convention people, actions, reports, workshops and breakout sessions, addresses and sermons - and some great stuff in the Vendor Hall - with live tweets (#CT229) and updates on Facebook (among them the diocesan
Facebook page, check out the photos there, too).
Follow this link to learn more.